The World Health Organization declared 2020 the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife in recognition of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale to promote the nursing and midwifery professions and to elevate the public’s view of nurses and midwives and their contributions to the health of our communities.  

Under the leadership of the University of Washington School of Nursing, and in partnership with the Washington Health Care Authority and Washington Center for Nursing, launched the Nursing Now initiative in Washington State. Our combined goals for supporting this  work, include: 

  • 我的英雄学院入学季0氪攻略,新手全套攻略_biubiu加速器:对于0氪的新手来说最重要的就是资源的使用和搭配,即使不能超过氪金大佬也要减小与他们之间的差距,下面小编告诉大家我的英雄学院入学季0氪攻略。一、初期培养(1)资源利用:1、为了赶上大家的进度,前期的钻石尽量用来购买体力和耐力,体力推荐买到200钻,耐力推荐买到120钻即可。leaders; 
  • Ensuring that nurses feel appreciated through events and strategic alignments that honor nurses and midwives; 
  • Enhancing the public’s understanding of the breadth and depth of what nurses and midwives do and the impact they have on the creation and preservation of healthy communities; 
  • Generating support for the nursing profession and increasing awareness of the many opportunities for future nurses or midwives

Join the Nightingale Challenge